A Journey Across America
Hi, my name is Neil Tomba, and I’m the senior pastor of Northwest Bible Church in Dallas, Texas. On May 27, 2019, I embarked on an amazing journey that I’d been dreaming about for years.
I started in Santa Monica, California, and bicycled all the way across the United States of America to Annapolis, Maryland. Along the way, I had intentional conversations with people from all walks of life and belief systems about the things that really matter in their lives—issues of faith, matters of the soul, experiences that affect everything people think about.
In short—I biked across America to have conversations about God. And yes, the trip was incredible. But no, it wasn’t easy.
The trip is over but the conversations are only just getting started. My book The Listening Road is now available to purchase wherever books are sold. The docuseries can now be viewed online for free at RedeemTV. Sign up for my newsletter to get updates and info.
our Latest Updates from Instagram - @NeilTomba
To create momentum for our 7 year church vision that I will be launching this January: “By our 75th anniversary, we will be having 1000’s of surprisingly easy to start conversations about Jesus all over our city because we are convinced, ‘where God has us, is where Jesus is.’”
To have two significant conversations every day that we capture on film.
To show people at our church that having conversations about Jesus brings joy.
To learn what we (as an initiators of spiritual conversations) can do better or need to change when engaging people in conversations.
To develop a NETFLIX quality documentary that would be both instructional and encouraging for people to have conversations about Jesus.
To experience and endure through the physical and emotional challenge of riding across the country in 30-35 days.
To cause people we have conversations with to be encouraged, to think, and challenge their preconceived notions of Christians.
To learn what people think and feel when someone initiates a spiritual conversation with them.
To write a book that could be helpful for people on both ends of spiritual conversations.
To see God do something beyond what we could imagine.
To create a catalyst for people in our church to pray for opportunities to have conversations about Jesus in Dallas.
“Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.”
margaret wheatley | american author

Neil Tomba
Have you heard the “turtle on the fence post” saying? It goes like this: if you’re walking along a fence and spot a turtle sitting atop a fencepost, you know it didn’t get there by itself. In 1996, after graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary, God placed me on the staff of Northwest Bible Church as Minister to Singles. In February 2001, He put me in the position of Senior Pastor. I am grateful to serve and walk alongside a church body and staff where we are desperately dependent on Jesus.
I had a train wreck with the grace of Jesus when I was an Electrical Engineering student at Louisiana State University (home of the Fighting Tigers). During that time, I was surrounded by followers of Jesus who were convinced that life, love, and service to others flowed out of their relationship with Him. My wife was one of those people I saw running hard after Jesus. I couldn’t resist. We married in 1983 and have three adult daughters, one son-in-law and two grandchildren.
As a desperately dependent follower of Jesus, my passion is to invite others into the unexpected joy of life with Him. My favorite place to hang out with others as we hang out with Jesus is outdoors in God’s creation. I like biking, hiking, camping, taking pictures, and eating a good steak.
Vela Tomba
Let's get one thing straight: I can ride a bike. I'm sure of it. It's a skill we never forget, right? But will I ride a bike 3000+ miles? No, not even 100 miles. In any case, I am totally supportive of Neil's (crazy) idea to bike across the country and even more supportive of his dream to have lots of conversations along the way.
I am excited about meeting people and learning out about them. I am especially excited about having conversations about Jesus.